Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tiger's Curse and Tiger's Quest by Colleen Houck

I read the first novel in this series (Tiger's Curse) in two days, and I'm currently halfway through the second one (Tiger's Quest). This series is to die for! It's about a girl, Kelsey, who ends up temping for a circus, then going to India with this mysterious white tiger...but...the tiger isn't a tiger! He's actually a guy (a prince to be specific), who has been cursed to remain a tiger until the curse is broken by a girl (Kelsey). Romance ensues (of course).

My Thoughts:
  1. First off, I loved the idea of a character just up and flying thousands of miles around the world with basically no real deliberation about it. That's the spirit of adventure!
  2. The whole thing takes place in India, which is pretty different, so that's cool. There's lots of mythology involved as well, and I really enjoy that.
  3. The covers are truly gorgeous! Not only that, but the inside covers have maps of the world with dotted lines and airplanes on them to show where the characters travel! I absolutely love that! It's so classic looking, you know?
  4. The romance is great! It's a love triangle between Kelsey and the two tiger brothers Ren and Kishan. And let me tell you, you will not be disappointed! I laughed, I cried, I was breathtaking. Both of them are so awesome and you can't help but love them both!
  5. The book was so engaging! I sat down to read the first one and maybe 8:00 and the next thing I know it's 12:01 AM and I'm 350 pages in, having not looked up once! I could've sworn it would be like twenty after ten or something, but the book was that engrossing! 
  6. It has a really classic vibe to it. Something about it hearkens to epic romances and fairy tales. Perhaps it's the curse and the quests that give this series that vibe, or maybe it has to do with the fact that it's such a sweeping saga. Whatever the case, it's very intoxicating to find in a modern day novel.
Who Should Read It:
  •  People interested in a romance that's more than just a romance - Kelsey has a really great adventure as well. 
  • People who love mythology/folklore/other cultures - it's very fascinating in that respect, and I think Colleen Houck did a wonderful job of incorporating cultural notes about India into the text: it's the perfect balance of informative and interesting without verging on boring or dry.
  • People who have a thing for love triangles (Don't pretend like you don't, everyone does!)
This is an excellent series which I really recommend! They still sell both in the bookstores and the third book in the series, Tiger's Voyage, is due to be released November 1st 2011 so check it out!


  1. Hahah Becky! I love reading your posts :) You should write reviews for real publications, because they're so entertaining. I'll certainly check these books out when I get the chance!

  2. Wow! is this the book you were talking about? you showed it to me the other day, and you went on and on about how great it was. Definitely made me want to read it just by mentioning it to me? This blog, I have to admit, is amazing too! Keep at it!
