Saturday, September 17, 2011

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

This is probably the greatest contemporary romance I've ever read! I first read it a while ago, but I just finished rereading it, so I thought I'd share my thoughts. It's about a 17/18 year old girl named Anna, and her father sends her to the School of America in Paris. Romance ensues!

My Thoughts:
  1. First, it takes place in Paris...PARIS! I am a total Francophile, so this may just be me...but I doubt it! I have always wanted to go to France, so I really enjoyed the vicarious trip. Stephanie Perkins is very deft at describing things as they would appear to someone seeing them for the first time, so it was perfect in that respect.
  2. Etienne St. Clair. What a name! What a love interest! One, he is technically American, but he was educated for a while in England, so he has a British accent! Two, he's so gorgeous! Three, he is without a doubt the best fictional love interest there has ever been - he's funny, smart, attractive, accented and he has the most endearing personality in the world!
  3. The romance! It was the most genuine, sincere teen romance I have ever read! There's angst, but no melodrama, cuteness, but no sappyness...It is phenomenal! The second to last scene, on the roof of the Notre Dame, overlooking Paris, has the most beautiful, charming declaration of love I have ever read (and you know how much I read!)!
Who Should Read It:
  • Everyone! It's funny and cute and sweet and cool and the author understands teenage romance and if you are a living, breathing human being you should be reading this book. Know that I am not sponsored by anyone in any way shape or form when I tell you: Go to the bookstore. Buy this book. Read this book. Laugh. Cry. Squeal. Sigh. Love it!
I am so giddy right now, that's how awesome this book is! And guess what? Stephanie Perkins next book, Lola and the Boy Next Door, a companion novel to Anna and the French Kiss, is due to be released in 12 days (September 29th)!!! For more info (and general awesomeness) check out Stephanie Perkins' website here. If you want to know what I'll next be reviewing, check out my original blog here, for a list of today's book haul! Au revoir!

1 comment:

  1. Becky great job on your blogs! I am not the biggest fan of reading but whenever i find a book that i like i can not put it down. Your blog will be very helpful to me because i can get a good understanding of what the book is about to determine whether i will like it or not. I will definitely keep up to date on your blog so i can find some good books to read :)
