Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins

I know I haven't done a book review in a while, but I want to review this because no one ever really reviews books outside of the contemporary timeline in a "just for fun" way as opposed to a way that assumes that you read it for a class of some kind. So, I'm going to! Yay!

I was hesitant to pick this up, only because I don't like to read long books if I don't know for certain that it's good, but I did, and it was amazing!

This was a very rich and complex narrative, written as an investigation of sorts, alternating between the narratives and diaries of the characters and reports by various minor person.

This is the kind of book read when you curl up under the covers with some tea and read for hours...very immersive, but still accessible.

This book was so great, and the writing and style were wonderful! I'm going to purchase the collected works of Wilkie Collins at the earliest possible opportunity!

The love story was so sweet, and Walter was so open about his feelings in his narrative that it made it all the better!

Not the kind of book you reread, but one that I am proud to own and have read!

Thanks for reading!