Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dark Souls by Paula Morris

This is about a teenage girl named Miranda, who, after experiencing the death of a friend, realizes she can see ghosts. They take a family trip to York, England, which is one of the most haunted cities anywhere. She meets a guy, creepy ghost related plot ensues etc. etc.This is an excellent book!

My Thoughts:
  1.  First, it takes place in York, England, and I LOVE books that are set in foreign countries (mainly England, France, and Italy)! 
  2. I have not read Paula Morris' other book, Ruined, but I plan to - I love her writing style! Her descriptions are vivid and her dialogue is witty!
  3. I love Miranda! She is a great main character! Not whiny or depressed, but a real, relatable character! 
  4. And the guy, Nick, is wonderful! He's creepy in a good way, kinda dangerous/bad boy but kind of not...a little damaged, but cute as can be! I love him! (There's this one scene, at the end, and Morris' description of him just blew me away! 
  5. The paranormal aspect is also really well done! It was believable without being mundane and totally awesome without being too far fetched!
  6. There was some really great humor in this book, particularly from Miranda's brother Rob and their interactions together. 
  7. It had some genuinely scary moments! I always read at night, downstairs, by myself, when the rest of the house/outside is dark, and when the ghost across the street did that thing with the blood on his hand...that thing where the back of your neck prickles like something's there TOTALLY happened to me! 
  8. And the ending! Bittersweet and adorable!
Who Should Read It:
  • If you love ghost stories, England, history etc. you will love this book!
  • If you like guys like I described in #4, you will love this book!
  • If you generally read young adult paranormal romance, I suggest you check this out!
For more info, you'll find a link to the author's website here. Stay tuned for my next review on Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick.

1 comment:

  1. I love all your book reviews! :) You're so funny XD I can't wait for the summertime, because I'll have this great list of reviewed books for me to check out! And I like the new numerical system, it's a nice little touch.
