Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton

This book is about Tiki, a young woman from a well-to-do family forced by circumstances to pick pockets on the streets of 1871 London. When she steals the Queen's ring, which binds the fairies to a truce with the English, she then embarks on a quest to recapture it and save her "family" of fellow pickpockets. Also, this really hot guy, Rieker, turns out to be more than he seems. *wink*

My Thoughts:

  1. First off, Tiki is so cool! I was originally wary of this book, since I like to identify with the hero or heroine of any story I read, and I've never had to be a pickpocket, but Kiki Hamilton is amazing with Tiki's characterization. She was relatable, but not in a bland, every-girl kind of way. She was stubborn and confrontational when she needed to be, but also very caring and compassionate. 
  2. The faerie element of this book was absolutely amazing! It is absolutely seamless in terms of integration into the real world and just a very engaging universe. Some of the phrases/terms/names inspired me to Google around and read up on faeries and such and it is absolutely fascinating. I also really like how much actual faerie lore Kiki Hamilton put into this story; that makes it all the better!
  3. Rieker. Oh, wow, was he great! It's like Kiki Hamilton took every desirable trait from every fictional crush I've ever had and lumped them into one amazing man. He has EVERYTHING! Long, dark hair - a strong profile - brooding eyes - a tragic past - a compassionate side - fashion sense - a soft spot for children - a bit of vulnerability - an all-consuming love for the heroine ... he was just impeccable! Sometimes, I get upset that I'll never have a functional relationship because no man will ever be as amazing as the fictional heroes of the novels I've read...but fictional Rieker versus real-world Mr. Average? He makes me look forward to being an old cat lady with nothing but a cottage and my books. 
  4. This was a really solid, great book. The writing, the plot, the universe, the characters, the ending, just everything. 
Who Should Read It:
  • Fans of romance! This is a good one!
  • Fans of supernatural/faerie stuff. 
Final Score: 9.5/10 (for not being longer!)

I really recommend this book, even if it doesn't sound like something you're interested in. For more info, check out the author's website here. Next, I'm not sure what I'll be reading, but I have about five books coming from Barnes and Noble as soon as UPS gets here. 

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