Tuesday, December 27, 2011

North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

This novel, written in 1855, is about Margaret Hale (from the South of England), who travels to the northern town of Milton after father splits from the church. There she meets John Thornton, who she finds uncouth, ill-mannered and ungentlemanly. Mr. Thornton thinks she is beautiful and charming, but also haughty, proud and standoffish. You can see where this is going :)

My Thoughts:

  1. I ordered this book online, so I was reading the reviews on Barnes and Noble's website; I was shocked to discover that some people said this book ousted Pride and Prejudice as their favorite book of all time, and John Thornton, Mr. Darcy! Of course, I thought they were just being ridiculous. Then I read the book. I wouldn't go that far, but it certainly takes a close second. 
  2. First off, Margaret is a wonderful heroine. She's sweet, charming, caring etc. but she is also strong-willed, conscientious and stubborn. She is flawed, but lovable - she's someone I would think I could be friends with.
  3. Second, the way the book interweaves the love story of Margaret Hale and John Thornton with the class struggles of the industrial age is very well done and enjoyable to read. 
  4. All the minor characters - Bessy, Mr. Higgins, Mrs. Hale, Edith, even Dixon - are well done. There are believable people, not just means to an end for the main characters.
  5. The book is wonderfully written! Some might be put off by the elevated diction, complex syntax and genuinely different manner of writing, but if you read a lot of novels from the 18th and 19th century, you really will come to understand it all. 
  6. Finally, Mr. Thornton. He is such an amazing character! I love him! He's romantic without being too unrealistic and he's self-deprecating without being pathetic and he's strong without being cocky and he's just wonderful! The way he cares for Margaret (even when she is awful to him) is the sweetest thing ever. I love him! Truly! And you will too if you read this book!
Who Should Read It:
  • Romance fans!
  • Fans of novels of this era!
  • Fans of the 2004 BBC movie version with Richard Armitage and Daniela Denby-Ashe - which, by the way, was amazing! I recommend you watch it before you read the book, actually. Normally, I don't do that but I find that I am so far removed from the language of books this old that sometimes I miss things (I had to read Pride and Prejudice twice, then watch the movie, then read it again until I finally realized how amazing it is) and I don't understand that something is actually a passionate speech because the diction is so formal. So, watch the movie first if you don't normally peruse Victorian novels. 
Overall Score: Infinity and beyond/10 

I loved this book! It is going on The Shelf, I plan to re-read it and buy another copy for a friend and re-read and re-read and re-read it. This is an amazing book that is definitely worth checking out!

I have over two dozen unread books, so I have no idea what I'll be reviewing next.

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