Thursday, January 16, 2014

Unthinkable by Nancy Werlin

Caution, this review may contain spoilers for this book and any others in its series.

As you know, this is the third book I've recently read by Nancy Werlin, the previous two being Impossible and Extraordinary.  I definitely liked this more than Impossible, and I believe I even liked it more than Extraordinary.

What I Liked:

  • Faerie! There was a lot of time spent in their realm, and lots of instances of faerie lore were present! I loved that!
  • Ryland as a cat! Ryland was adorable as a cat. I was kind of iffy about him after Extraordinary, since he kind of came off like a bad guy there, but I really felt for him here. He made me laugh, and, personally, the jealousy of his sister really endeared him to me. 
  • Fenella telling Walker that Ryland was a manticore...that actually made me laugh. I didn't laugh out loud and any other instance in all of these books, but I did for this.
  • Fenella in the modern era. Usually people from the past in the modern era frustrate me, as I don't believe they can truly imagine the scope of the modern world, and it just gets me. However,  I really like the way Nancy Werlin chose to portray Fenella, as a quick learner with some previous background information who grasped the mechanics of the future world. 
  • The tree fey. I love trees. I really, really love the idea of trees being sentient and communicated and naming people as part of them. That gets me. 
  • Padraig's back story. I do this all the time, and I know it's wrong, but I felt for him. Yes, he's a kidnapper and sadistic and cruel; however, when Fenella learned that his mother abandoned him, and he was only seventeen or eighteen, and everyone scorned him, and someone said he had a lonely life...I felt bad for him. It just breaks my heart. I have NO idea why I feel visceral pity for him, I just do. I don't know why, I just have the urge to comfort people who feel abandoned and unloved and lash out against others because of their pain; I also believe that I could fix them with my love. I've always done this; I wanted Christine to be with the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera, I read so much Dramione fanfiction, I always, always, ship Mina and Dracula instead of Mina and Jonathon...I'm one of those women who believe that they can fix tortured bad boys' with their love. Well, not really, not in real life, but it's my favorite kind of fictional story. Plus, you know, I'm glad he wasn't a one dimensional villain, there are enough of those around.
  • Walker...I'm not sure how I feel about Fenella and Walker, but he's gentle with animals, warm, sweet, loving, forgiving and considers himself one with the trees...what more do you want in a man? (Besides the whole tortured soul thing, of course.)
What I Didn't Like: 
  • Fenella's life choices. Come on girl, really? Kethalia warned you that the tasks would be painful, and you just rush into them? Not really a smart move. 
Final Thoughts:
  • I enjoyed this book, but I don't think I will be rereading it. 
  • I'm not certain what I will be reading next, though I have quite the stack. 

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