Friday, January 3, 2014

Opal (Lux #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Caution, this review may contain spoilers for this book and any previous books in the series.

This is a sequel in the series, so I don't feel the need to tell you to read this or tell you what it is about, as, by the third book, I'm sure you know. I powered through this in a little less than two days (like,  two calendar days, not two solid days' worth of reading time), and I really enjoyed reading this book. I have lots of thoughts, and they're kind of jumbled, but that's basically why I write this blog, to sort out my feels over books!

What I Liked:
  • The developing relationship between Daemon and Dawson. When we first saw him in Opal, I had fears that this was going to end up like The Vampire Diaries, i.e. brother fighting with brother over girl. However, Katy really seemed to enhance their relationship as opposed to put them at odds. (Props to Jennifer L. Armentrout, hereafter abbreviated JLA, for that breath of fresh air in YA fiction.) I also found their marathons of ghost hunting programming incredibly heartwarming, as well as Dawson's feelings over Beth and how he expressed them to Daemon. It fuzzies all around. 
  • Dee's righteous anger with Katy in the beginning. I was still annoyed with Katy, so I was very pleased that Dee still blamed her, and the whole thing wasn't swept under the rug. 
  • That said, I also enjoyed the girly shopping trip. I'm conflicted, because I'm still simmering with frustration for Katy's poor decision making, but I also liked the forgiveness themed scenes. I don't know how I feel here, other than that JLA has written a very nuanced relationship between Dee and Katy. 
  • The almost sex scene after their plan was foiled by the onyx. That was nicely written. I much prefer it when books leave some to the imagination, and sort of dance around the obvious and vulgar. I want my love scenes to be about a magical connection, not bodily fluids. It was sweet and heartwarming, and I just got all warm and fuzzy. 
  • In that vein, I also really, really adored their actual sex scene. It was basically what I look for in my love scenes; the connection between Katy and Daemon was depicted really vividly, and it made me smile, you know? I just liked it a lot, and I think that JLA has a real talent for writing these scenes in such a way as to remain true to the characters, yet still emphasize the change that Katy feels she has undergone. 
  • Likewise, Daemon's after-prom surprise for Katy (Are you sensing a pattern here?). Also well-written, also charming, and also why I prefer fiction to reality every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
  • The surprising/shocking appearances of Carissa and Will. I remember thinking something was up when Carissa got the flu, but I didn't remember it at the forefront of my mind for the whole rest of the book, and I certainly didn't expect her to be unstable or anything that actually went down, so, props again to JLA for the shocker. I certainly did expect Will to return, but I definitely didn't expect him when he did show up. I thought the cliffhanger was going to be Will showing up and shooting/killing someone after the successful mission, and we'd have to wait to see if they pulled through when the next book came out, so I was surprised there, too. I think I was just off my game in terms of suspicion with this book. 

What I Didn't Like:
  • Katy. This isn't really a critique of the book, as, like I said, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I was very frustrated with Katy during this installment. She continually argues with Daemon about how strong and competent she is when a) she trusted Blake and got Adam killed last book and b) she trusted Blake and got herself captured and their only piece of opal stolen this book. I just think she's not as good at being an alien super spy as she thinks she is, so it really annoys me when she gets on her high horse and claims that. Also, she just doesn't learn. She lies to Daemon about Blake (again), by not telling Daemon about his feelings for her and the fact that he is sleeping in her bed, and, lo and behold, Blake's not to be trusted (again), and the sh*t has hit the fan because of him and Katy's trust in him (AGAIN). 
  • Blake. Someone could have killed Blake so many times. (I'm fairly ruthless when it comes to fictional deaths, btw)

Final Thoughts:
  • The Daemon and Katy in this book was out of this world, it really was. I did miss the chapter from Daemon's perspective in the back of this book, but the scenes in the text really made up for it. Once Katy quit being difficult, they were sweet and charming and fun and everything a YA romance should have. 
  • I enjoyed the arcs of secondary characters like Dee, Ash, Andrew, etc. It's easy to lose sight of people like that when something like Mouth Weather happens, but JLA did a wonderful job fitting those sorts of things in with the rest of the plot. 
  • I highly recommend this installment in the Lux series to anyone! I've got Origin on my end table right now, and I'm so excited for it!

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