Monday, November 14, 2011

Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

This is going to be a short one, since I didn't actually finish this book! This book is the love story between Nora and Patch, a fallen angel. It's the third one in the series; I absolutely loved Hush, Hush, the first one and Crescendo, the second one, had it's moments, but this one...well, I'll let you read on.

My Thoughts:
  1. The premise of this one is that Nora has lost her memory of all the supernatural goings-on in her life, and I know that it's dramatic irony and all, but nothing annoys me more! Now, I'm okay with it if it doesn't go on for ever and/or the book is extremely well written/my favorite series ever (like in the case of The Son of Neptune). In this case it lasted at least to page 224, where I stopped. 
  2. Maybe I would've liked it better had I re-read the first two installments in the Hush, Hush Saga and gotten back into it, however, I feel like I was getting out of it towards the end of the second book. 
  3. I'm not sure why I suddenly no longer like this series, it's just that we're not seeing enough Nora/Patch. I loved their interactions, their love, their story and we've gotten so far away from that that I've lost interest. 
Who Should Read It:
  • If you read the first two, I recommend you give this one a go. I never abandon a book series, so maybe that's just me, but I would advise you to check it out if you read/enjoyed either the first or second novel.
Final Score: 6.5/10

For more info, check out the author's website here

I'm 60 pages in to The Mark of the Golden Dragon by L.A. Meyer and I've also purchased Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, so look forward to reviews of those!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your book reviews. They're very real, you know? You're not praising every book you read, and you're net tearing them down either. They are very honest reviews, and I like that :)
